Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Morning Glory - Dew On Heavenly Blue


Dew On Wild Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue?) Growing Around The Fringes Of My Garden
I've not been an early-bird for the last half of this summer, so it's a beautiful nice surprise to wake up early and find lovely wild Morning Glory flowers smilin' at me - like I did this morning in my garden.

Appropriately named

Morning Glory is named for its ability to perk up and glow extremely early in the morning - lasting through through mid morning on sunny days (and longer when cloudy). A few rare species bloom at night.

Historically, Morning Glory was first used medicinally in China primarily for the laxative effects of its seeds. It found its way to Japanese shores during the 9th century - where it's believed it was first cultivated as an ornament.
A Nice Hearty Breakfast
There are over 1,000 species of Morning Glory. Except in colder climates, it is generally considered a perennial - coming back year after year. However a few species can tolerate winter cold, yet others are strictly annual.

Very attractive and quickly grown (2 months from seed to sprout), Morning Glory is a vining plant that grows in most types of soil and is capable of reaching 10 feet or more. Some people consider this plant to be a weed because of its tendency to spread and take over in areas where care is not given.

On trellises or fences, these plants spread and create thick summer shade. In fact, some people prefer to grow Morning Glory along the outside walls of their home to help reduce summer cooling costs.

Do you like or dislike Morning Glory plants? Got any favorite types or planting suggestions? Let me know by leaving a comment.

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